What Is the problem?
The overall problem has two parts. The first problem is the lack of resiliency and repeatability for this website construction. This website is hosted in an AWS account configured manually using the console. This website operates with zero resiliency, starting with zero backup, zero recreatability, single host, single region, single zone, local storage only. The underlying account uses hand-managed IAM credentials. The second problem is that I currently lack the knowledge and have yet to build the skills necessary to solve the first problem.
What have I done about it?
I have written a problem statement. “<collaboration notes> are ephemeral; problem statements are forever.” (William Willaford, circa 2016) I have identified training material for AWS concepts (see AWS Skillbuilder), and have started ingesting this material. I have identified a set of projects related to the SkillBuilder courses to accelerate learning in areas needed to rebuild this site resiliently.
What do I need to do about it?
- I need to setup a local (or cloud) development environment that is redeployable at need and/or remotely accessible. For example, if local, the environment needs to be synchronized between my home desktop and my travel laptop. If cloud-based, then it needs to be redeployable for instance replacement, and remotely accessible from each working machine.
- I need to establish identity management that enables AWS CLI from local development environments and cloud environments.
- I need to isolate management of this website from my development and training environment.
- I need to practice setting up infrastructure using the AWS CLI and CFN.

- This Post
- Notes on Troubleshooting Google Search Settings
- Notes on VPC Teardown
- Notes on AWS CLI Setup
- Notes on development environment construction
- Notes on Notes and Notes on Quotes
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